Late, but Here’s the Last Eight (Months)

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You might be wondering what happened to the updates on this website.  The truth is that we’ve been so busy that we haven’t had a chance to post.  Here is a brief rundown:

We returned from spring break and wrapped up the school year.  For Jay, this meant beginning preparations to start the school year.  Through volunteer efforts with the United Way’s Midlands Reading Consortium, Jay became inspired to work full time in the education world.  In June, he was offered a new job teaching ninth grade English.  The United Way wrote a nice article about his change.

Once school ended, Parker and Ansel set off for summer camp at Camp Kanata.  Parker spent two weeks there while Ansel spent one week and then was picked up by Mom Mom and Uncle Paul so that she could spend some time in Delaware.  Unfortunately, Kristie’s Mom Mom passed away during the week so Kristie made the trip up to attend the arrangements.

On July, 9, Jay ended his career at SCANA Corp and began his new one which involved a strenuous two week training program.  Once complete, he geared up for the upcoming school year.  In the meantime, we enjoyed hanging out with the kids at the pool.

Parker attended kayak camp for the second year at the Nantahala Outdoor Center. His week of camp culminated with his first ever successful run on Nantahala Falls!  Later that weekend, we were joined by Kristie’s cousin Lance and his daughter Sam for some camping and rafting on the river to celebrate Ansel’s seventh birthday.

The new school year started and the rest of the year has just been a blur!